Tonight is another one of those nights that I feel God's love for me "tangibly". Beautiful Exchange by Hillsong United is on replay it's like I'm hearing it for the first time because the lyrics are hitting me hard..can't stop laughing. It's not convenient typing with my phone, my laptop is in school and I just had to post this. For my redemption He carried all that pain! Perfection took my place, when only love could make a way...beautiful exchange!
I've had people call me a fanatic, even crazy! I've had people tell me I have no ambition because they believe people who want to work only for God are lazy. Funny! If only they knew! He's my sole ambition! People have told me I take life too seriously, they say "you're only a teen, why take life too seriously !" if only they knew! I've come to really understand that truly, one who is forgiven much appreciates much. He uses the foolish thongs of this world to confound the wise! He breathes life into dry bones! Haha!
Have you ever had a glimpse into the Father's heart? If yes, great! If no, great too! Because you are about to. i'll be sharing my story! The love series is about to start and it's titled..*drum roll*........, "A glimpse into the Father's heart". Yaaaay!!!! I'm happy, I'm so excited! I finally get to share my story and I won't be the only one, there'll be other people too but I'll start with mine. This series will bless so many lives and you don't want to miss it, it promises to be........GLORIOUs!!!!! Do recommend it to others too especially those who desperately need to know that indeed true love exists and that there is hope for them
If you also wish to be a part of this series (we all have a story to tell), feel free to share, you can send me an email. A big shout out to all our viewers from across the world, especially our latest viewers in Romania, love you all! You mean a lot to me.
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