Sunday, 30 August 2015

A glimpse into the Father's heart ( A love series)


   Tonight is another one of those nights that I feel God's love for me "tangibly".  Beautiful Exchange by Hillsong United is on replay it's like I'm hearing it for the first time because the lyrics are hitting me hard..can't stop laughing. It's not convenient typing with my phone,  my laptop is in school and I just had to post this. For my redemption He carried all that pain! Perfection took my place, when only love could make a way...beautiful exchange!   
   My heart feels heavy right now with love, I just want to pour out my love , lavish it on Him. My one desire ; to know Him just as He knows me, love Him just the same!   Why? Because  He is life!  Haha! 
 I've had people call me a fanatic, even crazy!  I've  had people tell me I have no ambition because they believe people who want to work only for God are lazy. Funny! If only they knew! He's my sole ambition!   People have told me I take life too seriously, they say "you're only a teen, why take life too seriously !" if only they knew! I've come to really understand that truly, one who is forgiven much appreciates much. He uses the foolish thongs of this world to confound the wise! He breathes life into dry bones! Haha!
       Have you ever had a glimpse into the Father's heart? If yes, great! If no, great too! Because you are about to. i'll be sharing my story! The love series is about to start and it's titled..*drum roll*........, "A glimpse into the Father's heart". Yaaaay!!!! I'm happy, I'm so excited! I  finally  get to share my story and I won't be the only one, there'll be other people too but I'll start with mine. This series will bless so many lives and you don't want to miss it, it promises to be........GLORIOUs!!!!! Do recommend it  to others too especially those who desperately need to know  that indeed true love exists and that there is hope for them

   If you also wish to be a part of this series (we all have a story to tell), feel free to share,  you can send me an email. A big shout out to all our viewers from across the world, especially our latest viewers in Romania, love you all! You mean a lot to me. 

Monday, 24 August 2015


That longing ......
 the storm raging,
 bridges breaking, 
 heart racing,
 ‎mind aching,
  ‎I'm in need!

 My lips tremble 
 cut and dry,
 kis‎s me my Love!
 That kiss from Your Lips, 
 sweeter than the finest wine,
 great show of affection,
 leaves me drunk. 

 I  hunger ,
 for Your warmth.
 My knees about to buckle,‎
 body about to crumble,
 I'm fickle without You.‎
 Touch me My love!‎
 Your touch gives strength. ‎

  That one  need,‎
  so dire.....
  that longing ,‎
  makes it all right .‎
  Embrace me my Love, 
  hold me tight ‎.

 ‎ Romance me,
 ‎ like You alone can. ‎
  ‎Serenade me,
 ‎ to Your melodious whispers.  
  Let's dance, 
  to Your heartbeat.
  You leave me breathless and full of life,
  You captivate me, 
  with Your gaze so mesmerising 
  Oh! What You do to me...!‎


Sunday, 16 August 2015




Be sincere in all that you do. Be straightforward, be honest, never engage in artful deceit. The story of Ananais and Sapphira (Acts5:1-11). They were deceitful. No one asked them to sell their property but because of their nature they felt they had to give something and appear like they had given it all. They could have as well told Peter they brought half of what they got for it and even keep the money to themselves. Never try to
deceive God or man. Love never deceives!  Our father never deceives, He does things in all sincerity . We have the nature of God, we are expected to show forth this attribute.  The love of Christ floods our hearts, 
we are not cunning. Be sincere and relate with God in all openness.He detests darkness. You want a heart to heart discussion with God, go to Him as you are; PLAIN.  What's there to hide anyway?!! He knows it all!!!!! He knows our every thought, even before we say it, He knows it so why shy away 
from the truth.  It is only a wicked heart that deceives! In love, things are said and done in all sincerity. Even in our work for God,we are honest in all our dealings as His obedient children.
      Remember our relationship with 
God is evident  in our relationship with people.   Be sincere with God and man.

Saturday, 8 August 2015


Each time I hear something about childlikeness, I remember my baby sisters. God has taught me a lot through them, especially how to act like a child. There is a huge need for us to relate with God as His CHILDREN. As believers, we are children of God[Gal3:26, 1John3:2]  and there are so many benefits attached to this one of which is INTIMACY. He is our father because of the ‘new birth’, we've been born again into His family.. He has always loved us even while we were still sinners, this means even before we became His children, He loved us. Intimacy with God is evident in our relationship with people.
Have you ever asked yourself what Jesus meant in Matthew19:14;  “Let the children alone, don’t prevent them from coming to me. God’s kingdom is made up of people like these.” [MSG] this means the kingdom is made up of people with childlike qualities.  Those who know God are enthralled with Him, thoroughly smitten! king David was a man who was like a child in his relationship with God. He sought Him with his whole heart{Psalm42;1-2}. David was in awe of in Him! He was enamored with Him! 


              Innocence is always related with children. Oh the beauty of a child; innocence! Such openness to loving and being loved!     Children don’t hold back in loving and they accept love in all sincerity. They always mean what they tell you and they say it as it is. There is no form of corruption in them. We should always tell God things as they are, not try to keep things from Him. Many people don’t pray to God about everything, they hold things back and this could be intentional or unintentional. You should never intentionally hold anything back from Him no matter how bad you think it is, His opinion of you cannot change. And don’t ever make the mistake of thinking you can do anything yourself! Many people make this mistake because they learn 'self dependence'. Anytime something comes up such people try to handle it themselves. You should always take it to Him because He cares, be 'God-dependent'.  Never ever try to handle things with human wisdom but depend on God’s wisdom. We can never outgrow God's supervision.{Proverbs3:5-6}
             *  Simplicity is key! Be simple-minded[this is different from being a simpleton].  You should never have preconceived notions about people.
Innocence gives you the freedom to enjoy things freely as only a few adults can , remember where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty and we have that Spirit in us! We should express that liberty in every way.  Many of us unconsciously tie ourselves down.  God’s wish for us is fullness of life. Jesus came that we have abundance of life.
BE GENUINE AND REAL with Him… a babe. David was childlike in his love for God. He was so expressive! He never held anything back, when he made mistakes, he was always truly repentant, even in his show of appreciation, he was very extravagant. Just imagine a King dancing like he was mad in front of the whole kingdom. Little wonder God called Him a man after His own heart!  He always expressed gratitude for every little thing done for Him by the Father, he marveled at the works of His hands. We should never get so used to God doing things for us no matter how little it may seem that even appreciation becomes a problem. A child is usually excited when he gets a box of chocolate and its the same with a lollipop.  We should never lose our CHILDLIKE WONDER. Never ever be stoic, wear your heart on your sleeve!

          There was a day my four year old sister couldn’t get out of her bike with no one around her, immediately she saw me walking towards her, she cried out for help with her arms stretched out wide. She stopped struggling., she had faith my strength. Like this little child, we should trust in God. At the time she got stuck in the bike, there was no one around, but God is always around and He is ALL-POWERFUL. So all you need do is open your arms wide in total surrender. Trust in God not only in words but in action, like a babe. Trust in God completely.  Children live lives free of worries because they have complete trust in their guardians. If you trust God completely, then you have the fullness of live, you're blessed[Psalm84:12]. Trust in His love for you, perfect love casts out all fears. So it is not just enough to know He loves you, believe that love, trust in it! His words are trustworthy and true{Rev21:5}  with trust in Him comes joy and peace[Romans15:13}. When you trust in God you emerge victorious, unscathed[Daniel6:23].
David trusted God's love totally{Psalm13:5}. He was ever awaiting His word, His directions. Like a child, depend on His every word, feast on it! cherish it!  Be totally sold out to God!


  [………… continued in the next post .........}

***I recommend a song, Bethel Music’s spontaneous worship by Amanda Cook; ‘Wonder’ ***

**Don't forget to drop your comments