Friday, 31 July 2015

Be Still

Hello loves! Just like every other post on this blog, this post is about The Lover and us and it has a great personal experience attached to it .
     So many things have happened in the past two/three weeks. I was hospitalised, was bedridden, I even had to use a ventilator  for like four days. I felt so many emotions ;  I was angry at first, then I became seriously bothered, I  even thought about death for like ten minutes, the  things that bothered me as regards that were my mom and the number of songs I was yet to write(seems funny, but it has a whole lot attached to it). It didn't take long for the "death thing" to die because even though I was physically    weak, I still felt full of life.( I can't st op laughing about it now)   But later I became indifferent about the whole situation . I acted like I didn't really care about the outcome of the whole situation.. I didn't sing or listen to any song,It was that bad! Then the visions started.....(let's stop here for now) I can guess  the question on your mind now "where is  she headed?".
,shhhhhhhh......Be Still.    

 Psalm 40:16(KJV): "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth". This portion of the scriptures is one of the most quoted. But what does it mean to be stlil? why is there a need for it?

         Being still is a spiritual state of calmness. It refers to spiritual serenity. In this state, your ears are wide open to hear and your eyes clear to see. It means to step out of the traffic!

    At different points in our lives we will tread troubled paths, things will happen, things might crumble all around you, you can watch your plans all fail before your
eyes but what is the command? Be Still! Calm down, stand firm in faith, why? Because God is on our side! He loves us! Romans8:37 ;"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us". " we are "more than conquerors" this means we not just mere
conquerors. We walk through fire unscathed!    Yes, we will walk through fire
but it shouldn't hurt us, it should rather refine us,we should come out shining brighter and stronger, challenges should launch us into greater realms.  Remember all things work together for our good. I love the Message Bible version of Romans8:37 ; "None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us". To faze means "to disrupt the composure of" Ahahahah!
Got it?!! Tribulations should not make us run around ! They should not affect our composure. God wants us to enjoy life, fear and agitation won't let us enjoy life. He wants us to be always at peace, He wants us to live lives full of hope and remember, hope is a Person, Jesus. .

  Psalm40:16(MSG) : “Step out of the
traffic! Take a long,     loving look at me,
your High God,     above politics, above everything.”  . So.....take a break! Move out of that heavy traffic , take a deep breath, pay close attention, He is saying something . Just as God provided the Israelites with daily manna, He provides us our daily bread; His word. His word comes forth per time so, always be in
alignment with Him.

    Sit!! and take a longggggggg loving look at your lover. Just behold Him, be still! Yes........stare at Him He's sure to return that stare! That loving gaze makes you melt like butter, all fear vanishes! He's ever ready! Let Him take  the wheel! C'mon..... He's a better driver than you are and He knows the suitable routes so,
all you need to do is to sit back and relax!
Don't be troubled!

   Now going back to my experience, those two weeks are still the best days I've lived so far! They have forever transformed me! I had wonderful encounters with God. There was only a need for me to Be Still and listen. Now, I'm beginning to feel
overwhelmed, there are so many things to
do, lots of work to catch up on. I'm beginning to feel troubled again, I've developed a bad habit of over thinking things. Glory to God! I know what to do, i'll be still and let Him take charge. I'll surrender the whole situation completely to Him just like a child that I am. Yes! I'm His baby. I'm never gonna lose my child likeness. He loves us and He pays close
attention to us( Psalms 36:5-6 God's love
is meteoric,
his loyalty astronomic,
His purpose titanic,
his verdicts oceanic.
Yet in his largeness
nothing gets lost;
Not a man, not a mouse,
slips through the cracks.)

  He's more interested in us than we are in ourselves.               It's a love affair!  

(Don't forget to drop your comments and you!)

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

The Lover

Songs indeed change lives. I'm a testimony. One of the songs that have changed the "love aspect " of my life, talking about Intimacy with God is "Dance with me" by Jesus Culture, composed by Chris Dupre. The first time I heard this song, my heart became heavy. I knew it was a love song but I didn't understand how someone could express his love for God in that way, with those words . I listened to it over and over again and googled the lyrics. It then struck me, Intimacy!    Many people relate with God as a God,some as a Father and some relate with Him as a Lover. Though, situations sometime determine the way we talk to Him, but our perception of Him affects how we relate with Him generally. I just had to refer to the Songs of Solomon. I had to go through the whole book, I just had to say a prayer "I want to relate with you as a lover, Lord. I want a romantic relationship " I was in tears and my life was forever changed.   You can get to a level where you set a seat for yourself and another for Him and you say "My love, we need to talk" that is Intimacy. You know the funniest thing, He's more desperate for Intimacy with us than we are.  He has always wanted to be close to us, He knew this would not be possible with us as sinners, so a provision was made for us. Ephesians 2:4-5 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, evenwhen we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved—.   

Remember, we love Him because He first loved us.(1John4:19) Ahahahah! It all comes back to His love. Our ability to love is as a result of His love. What a wonderful Lover!      

(to be continued) 

Lyrics to "Dance with me"

Behold You have come
over the hills upon the mountain
To me, You will run.
My Beloved, You've captured my heart
Won't You dance with me, Oh
Lover of my soul,
to the song of all songs?
With You, I will go
You are my Love You are my Fair One
The winter has passed
and the springtime has come


His whispers send sweet shivers down my spine
It's intoxicating!
I'm drunk in love!

I can't hold back,
I'm all about Him.
I can't but do what He says,
Can't but go where He commands .
I in Him, He in me.

Yes! It takes two to tango
Our steps are passionate and precise,
movements best understood by us.
I dance to Your tune my love,
Your powerful voice directs my steps.
I'm lost in You my love
I'm crazy in love!

I can't refuse You my love
I'm always at Your service,
You move, I move,
They call it fanaticism,
I call it Intimacy.
We are one, my love
We are ONE.


The Way

I'm all sweaty again,
My head in so much pain.
Shaking and panting,
My eyes are aching
Fever they say it is.

I stand, I sit,
I touch, I hit,
I'm restless.
I start pacing,
My heart is racing,
 I'm breathless.

What to do,
Where to go?
What to say,
Where's the way?
Fear has set in.

I calm down,
Reach deep within.
Then I feel it,
That warmth.....
My love! He's here.
I feel great again,
Giddy with excitement!
Fear disappears!
The Answer is here.

"I never left ", He says
The light shone!
He had been here all along
But I never carried Him along.
I was carried away,
Thinking I could find a way
But He was here, The Way.


The Love

This blogspot is aimed towards achieving one thing; brightening lives with the Father's love. Through this medium, many will get to know The Love and The Lover while having both feet planted firmly in love, taking in the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love,reaching out to experience the breadth! Test it's length! Plumb the depths!   And rise to the heights!              It's a love affair!