Tuesday, 28 July 2015

The Way

I'm all sweaty again,
My head in so much pain.
Shaking and panting,
My eyes are aching
Fever they say it is.

I stand, I sit,
I touch, I hit,
I'm restless.
I start pacing,
My heart is racing,
 I'm breathless.

What to do,
Where to go?
What to say,
Where's the way?
Fear has set in.

I calm down,
Reach deep within.
Then I feel it,
That warmth.....
My love! He's here.
I feel great again,
Giddy with excitement!
Fear disappears!
The Answer is here.

"I never left ", He says
The light shone!
He had been here all along
But I never carried Him along.
I was carried away,
Thinking I could find a way
But He was here, The Way.


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